Tag Archive | work

New job!!!

I have an announcement to make: I am leaving the law library sector and starting a brand new job! As of January, I will be the Research and Information Officer for Brake, the road safety charity. I am hugely excited about this new role. It’ll be a big change for me: no more corporate law! […]

BIALL/NetIKX Seminar: The Future of Copyright

Back in May I attended a seminar jointly run by BIALL and NetIKX, on “The Future of Copyright”. It was fairly timely for me as I’d just taken over as copyright officer within my team at work, so a refresher seemed like a good idea! There were two speakers: Charles Oppenheim, on changes to copyright […]

Using Twitter to develop sector knowledge

In my current role, I am the team’s sector specialist for Property. Three of my colleagues also have sector specialist roles, to support the firm’s four key market areas. One of our objectives is to develop our in-depth knowledge of our own sectors, in order to provide better insight and intelligence to the firm. Our […]

Doing more with less

During the first two weeks in my new job, something that has amazed me is just how many more information resources I have access to compared to my old firm. Given that I’ve moved to a larger firm I probably should have expected this, but it somehow still took me by surprise. I don’t mean […]

What I Did On My Holidays

…or at least, what I’ve been up to in the near 8 week break since I last blogged here! Was genuinely shocked today to see that the last time I posted was before Christmas, I didn’t think it had been anywhere near that long. How time flies… The main reason for my lengthy silence is […]

Setting up an internal blog – advice needed!

I’ve been asked to look into some solutions for setting up a blog for internal communications within my firm. We need something that would be visible to staff only, and that is preferably cheap/free and fairly simple to set up. We’d like it to be visible through our intranet – we wouldn’t be able to integrate it […]

Who cares? It’s only copyright!

This is something that’s been rattling around my brain for a while. As an information professional, I am required to care about copyright. I am required to at least try to make sure the lawyers in my firm abide my our CLA licence, and I am required to follow the rules myself (of course). However, […]

Library Day in the Life Round 5: Friday

I am taking part in the Library Day in the Life this week. I am currently working as an information assistant at a London law firm. As I’ve taken part in the project twice before, I’ve decided that rather than write a full account of each day (which gets rather repetitive), I’m going to pick […]

Library Day in the Life Round 5: Thursday

I am taking part in the Library Day in the Life this week. I am currently working as an information assistant at a London law firm. As I’ve taken part in the project twice before, I’ve decided that rather than write a full account of each day (which gets rather repetitive), I’m going to pick […]

Library Day in the Life Round 5: Wednesday

I am taking part in the Library Day in the Life this week. I am currently working as an information assistant at a London law firm. As I’ve taken part in the project twice before, I’ve decided that rather than write a full account of each day (which gets rather repetitive), I’m going to pick […]